Everyone can be a successful performer by being self-confident and convincing,
following his or her goals with purpose, maintaining positive communication with colleagues,
being flexible and mastering unknown situations with creativity.
All that is needed is the desire to learn and develop.

You only have one chance to make a good first impression – Use it!

In my workshops, “Stage Presence” and “How to Change Your Status,”
you can learn how to enter a room, start a presentation or conversation
and make a good first impression on others.

read more >

Stories create meaning

Stories link facts with emotions and images, making information more vivid and memorable. Instead of processing isolated data, stories enable us to better remember connections and meanings. This so-called narrative structure not only helps listeners to store information, but also to anchor it and recall it more easily.

read more >

You can learn how to improvise!

Improvisation is important in every part of your life. In the business context,
improvisation can be a strong impetus for the development of a common vision,
new goals and successful cooperation. Improvisation is key to innovation.

read more >

Homo Cooperativus

Each of us has the ability to collaborate, yet many of us have experienced unproductive
collaboration and teamwork. With the help of some basic principles of group dynamics,
we can learn to evaluate what is not helpful and how to influence group work positively,
allowing for new and successful collaborative experiences.

read more >

Talk, Applied Improvisation Conference, New York: Status Flexibilty for Leading Scientists

Video Interview


You have to know your impact on others in order to be able to steer in the direction you would like to.

In these two workshops, you can develop a better awareness of what your body language and communication style signal, as well as strengthen your charisma and stage presence.

A good stage presence -
Either you have or you learn it!

Workshop: Stage Presence

At the center of every appearance and presentation is your personality, through which you can only create an atmosphere of trust and evoke real interest.

In this workshop, you will learn how to enter a room and start a presentation to communicate with authentic charisma and presence. Knowing what your body language signals is very essential. With the help of feedback and video analysis, you will analyze your own body language and how to use it appropriately.

Furthermore, in this workshop, you will learn how to deal with unexpected situations and how to create security and trust, for yourself and your conversational partner, at the same time.


  • Professionalize your appearance and stage presence
  • Recognize your body language better and learn how to use it appropriately
  • Enhance your ability to react spontaneously and with humor in unexpected and difficult situations
  • Learn about your own status (using body language, verbal language and the use of space and time) and how to change your status according to the situation
  • Become more confident dealing with difficult conversational partners
  • Increase your spontaneity and your personal authenticity


  • Appearance and the first impression
  • Body language
  • Concept of Status
  • Video analysis
  • Spontaneity, ready wit and humor

Workshop: How to Change Your Status!

Status is typically connected to a certain rank or position and the power that someone has in an organization or in society.

However, in our daily lives, we position ourselves permanently and, to some extent, independently of our position in the company or society (e.g., even a beggar can have a high status, sometimes). We can change our status using our body language, verbal language and how we use space and time.

Everyone prefers a certain status. Raising your status gives you more authority and assertiveness. Lowering your status enhances the status of your counterpart, making you more sympathetic and empathetic.

Both are important and suited to different situations. Determining your own status through games and learning how to change your status are goals of this workshop.


  • Determine your own preferred status
  • Learn how you can change your status – using your body language, verbal language and how we use space and time
  • Enhance your power of persuasion
  • Increase your spontaneity and your personal authenticity
  • Professionalize your appearance


  • Concept of Status
  • Status flexibility
  • Status and body language
  • Status and language
  • Status and the use of space
  • Status and the use of time

Presentation Skills

Every presentation is a challenge with much to be considered:

What are the goals of my presentation? What expectations, attitudes and emotions does my audience have regarding the topic to be presented? What are my resources?

Only after you answer these questions can you start realizing your presentation. With the help of feedback and video analysis, you can explore your own presentation style and, then, improve it.


  • Learn how to get the attention of your audience
  • Analyze the structure of your presentation and the importance of storytelling
  • Learn how to improvise in difficult situations and how to deal with a demanding audience
  • Enhance your ability to visualize your content and to improve the use of media


  • Appearance and the first impression
  • Preparation and the structure of presentations
  • Storytelling
  • Use of voice
  • Visualizations and the use of media
  • Spontaneity, ready wit and humor


Stories link facts with emotions and images, making information more vivid and memorable. Instead of processing isolated data, stories enable us to better remember connections and meanings. This so-called narrative structure not only helps listeners to store information, but also to anchor it and recall it more easily.

Workshop: Storytelling in Science
(in person or online via Zoom)

Storytelling in science involves transforming research projects and personal experiences into stories that touch people personally and create images in their minds. Concepts, research results and facts are particularly interesting when they have something to do with people’s lives. This ensures that the results of your own research are remembered by the audience in the long term.

In this workshop, different narrative forms and suspense building as well as the importance of emotions and sensory details will be discussed in order to then immerse yourself in the narrative of your own research. How do I generate attention and curiosity for my topic and how do I connect with my audience with the help of a story? Various exercises are used to present and reflect on the oral stories developed. Participants learn how to translate their research into exciting stories and thus increase the visibility and comprehensibility of their research activities.

Goals and benefits

The participants…

  • know how to present complex content in the form of a story in an understandable way.
  • know the basics of storytelling and can convey content in an attractive way for different target groups.
  • learn how an exciting story is structured.
  • are able to use storytelling to present their research findings.


  • Advantages and possible uses of storytelling
  • Basics of storytelling in science
  • Building suspense in stories
  • Three important elements of a story: emotions, sensory details and plot
  • Use of stories in different context

Workshop: Storytelling in Business
(in person or online via Zoom)

You have been working intensively on your topic/your project and invest a lot of time and energy. This is precisely why you want your work results not only to be noticed, but also to reach your target groups – and have an impact.

Research from Stanford University shows that stories are remembered 22 times better than mere facts. Stories make complex issues accessible, give them meaning and significance and are also readily retold. Emotions and personal experiences in stories have the power to touch and inspire people – they not only complement facts, they bring them to life.

In this workshop, you will learn how stories are constructed in an exciting way and how you can use them in presentations and team meetings to reach your audience in a sustainable way.

Goals and benefits

The participants…

  • know the basics of storytelling and can convey content attractively to different target groups.
  • know how to present complex content in an understandable way and extract the core messages.
  • can inspire people with stories and personal anecdotes in their day-to-day work.
  • know how to incorporate exciting stories into their presentations and team meetings.


  • Advantages and possible uses of storytelling
  • Storytelling basics in Business
  • Building suspense in stories
  • Three important elements of a story: emotions, sensory details and plot
  • Use of storytelling in presentations and team meetings

Workshop: Storytelling in Politics
(in person or online via Zoom)

Politicians often like to present themselves with facts, figures and data. As important and correct as “hard facts” are, they are often not message enough in times of overstimulation and information overload. This is where stories become important, because they arouse emotions, inner commitment, move and are remembered. Stories are crucial in political discourse and, as a result, storytelling has become an important medium of political communication.

In this workshop, you will learn how stories and narratives are used in politics, whether overtly or covertly. You will learn how stories are constructed and how you can package facts and figures into stories that touch people personally and create images in their minds that anchor your message. You will learn about different narrative forms and how you can use a personal story to generate attention and commitment to an issue.

Goals and benefits

The participants…

  • are able to recognize narratives in political discourse.
  • know how exciting, meaningful stories are constructed.
  • can incorporate personal stories into their speeches.
  • expand their range of individual expression.
  • professionalize their appearance in front of groups.


  • Basics of storytelling in Politics
  • Storytelling and narratives in Politics
  • Creating suspense with stories
  • Incorporating personal stories into speeches
  • Three important elements of an oral story: emotions, sensory details and plot


Improvisation is a technique that can be learned. It is important and useful for innovation, creativity, collaboration and teamwork.

When you improvise, you must be in “the here and now” and, at the same time, develop common goals for the future. It is important to make offers and to accept others’ offers, to lead and to allow yourself to be led by others.

for Facilitators

Improvisational Theatre

On stage, you have to be self-confident and contribute your own ideas while simultaneously connecting with your teammates and their ideas – challenges that facilitators also have to master.

Improvisation cultivates interpersonal skills; as teachers, trainers and facilitators, you are required to think on our feet, to rapidly make decisions and be in the moment. Practicing improvisation helps build all of these skills; plus, it is really fun!


  • Gain new ideas as a trainer for a lively, effective and sustainable process work with your groups
  • Improve your own training and workshop design
  • Learn how to quickly and easily engage your participants in experiential activities
  • Enhance your ability to react spontaneously and with humor in unexpected and difficult situations
  • Become more comfortable improvising as a facilitator


  • Basic principles of Improvisation:
    accept offers, allow emotions, be in the moment, make mistakes and have fun
  • Teamwork:
    Thoughtfulness and concentration, be changed by others, take over responsibility, lead and be led
  • Status:
    When should I change my Status, and why?
    Which Status do I prefer in my trainings?
    How can I change my Status?
  • Flexibility and Spontaneity:
    Handling of unexpected and unknown situations, to let go, creativity
  • Presence and Charisma:
    Body language, be the center of attention
  • Roleplay:
    Change perspectives, take over new roles, work with “mantras”

for Managers

Improvisational Theatre

Improvisational theatre is a very fast and spontaneous way of playing theatre. The performers must work together; they have to make suggestions and accept other offers; they must lead and be led; and they have to take over responsibility in order to tell a collective story on stage. All of these skills are equally important tasks of leaders.

What is also essential for effective managers is to be aware of their own status behavior. Status is typically connected to a certain rank or position and the power that someone has in an organization or in society.

However, in our daily lives, we position ourselves permanently and, to some extent, independently of our position in a company or society (e.g., even a beggar can have a high status, sometimes). We can change our status using our body language, verbal language, and how we use space and time.

For leaders, it is vital to know their own status, recognize the status of others, and be able to change their status, in order to best suit the situation and help reach their goals.


  • Gain independence and self-confidence
  • Heighten your spontaneity, creativity and flexibility
  • Get to know your status behavior and learn how you can change it – using your body language, verbal language, and the use of space and time
  • Enhance your power of persuasion
  • Get to know the “yes, and “ principle as a key factor to teamwork and innovation
  • Professionalize your appearance and make a good first impression


  • Appearance and the first impression
  • The concept of Status: body language, verbal language, use of space and time
  • Leadership: to lead and to be led
  • Teamwork and Innovation
  • Flexibility and Spontaneity: Handling of unexpected and unknown situations, to let go, creativity

Improvisation and Innovation


When you improvise, you have to be in “the here and now,” instead of following a certain plan. Especially during a creative process, this is a key point, to be able to develop new and unexpected ideas as a team.

On the one hand, it is important to engage and to connect with your colleagues. On the other hand, you must trust your own impulses and introduce them your ideas with confidence.

So that in collaboration with your team mates a vision of the future, an idea for a new product or an unexpected solution can come to life.


  • Learn the basic principles of improvisation
  • Enhance your individual spontaneity, creativity and flexibility
  • Become familiar with the “yes and” principle as a key to team work and innovation
  • Learn how creativity originates and what is therefore needed
  • Learn about the processes of innovation
  • Develop new ideas with your team
  • Increase your room for maneuver in unexpected situations


  • Principles of teamwork – yes and!
  • Innovation: bring in your own ideas and let them go to find collective solutions as a team
  • Innovation processes
  • Leadership: to lead and to be led
  • Thoughtfulness and Concentration in the team process
  • Mistakes: make them and learn from them


We all work in and live with different teams and groups. Quite often, we experience difficulties and conflicts.

Solutions exist for dealing effectively with these difficulties in intensive, sustainable and exciting ways.

Group Dynamics

In the course of our lives, we have many very different experiences with groups; in some groups, we probably had a wonderful time and were very productive, while in other groups, we felt like we were in the wrong place and were wasting our time. However, most of us know very little about how groups really function and how we can influence the development of a group.

During this five-day long, intensive Group Dynamics Training workshop, you learn how to reflect on your own behavior in groups. You will immerse yourself in group phenomena like cooperation, conflicts, competition, emotions, formation of groups, trust and influence, and learn how to influence groups.


  • Identify the influences of your behavior and that of others, and learn how act more selectively and sensitively
  • Observe the development of a group and what support the group needs and at what time
  • Experience why conflicts are important for group development and how to deal with these conflicts
  • Learn that resistance in group often conveys an important message and how to deal with resistance in groups
  • Experience how you can influence others, what is happening in the group, and how others influence you
  • Identify the function of leadership and authority
  • Learn that differences in groups are important and fertile, and how to use these differences for the group outcome


  • Group development and its principles
  • Authority in groups
  • Resistance in groups
  • Conflicts in groups
  • Emotions in groups
  • Interventions in teams and groups

with Improvisational Theatre


Teambuilding with Improvisational Theatre is an unconventional way of meeting your colleagues, to get to know them from different and new perspectives, and have a lot of fun together.

To be able to tell convincing stories in Improvisational Theatre, it is important to work together, intensively and effectively. The basic rules of Improvisational Theatre are the same as the basic fundamentals of every good teamwork project.


  • Get to know the basic rules of improvisation
  • Learn how to use the “yes, and” principle as a key to teamwork and innovation
  • Experience how teamwork develops and what is needed
  • Improve your ability to deal with difficult situations with spontaneity and humor
  • Reflect on your own behavior in teams and enhance your room to maneuver in unexpected situations


  • Basic principles of teamwork – “yes, and”
  • Innovation: contribute your own ideas and allow them to find collective solutions as a team
  • Leadership: to lead and to be led
  • Mistakes: make them and learn from them

Leading interactive virtual meetings

Virtual meetings are often exhausting and not very motivating. As a result, participants do a lot on the side and their attention drifts away – which does not exactly promote the quality of the meeting. Those who participate in an online meeting need to know why their presence is important and feel included in the meeting from the beginning – in other words, relevant.

In this workshop, you will explore concepts and learn methods to add creative excitement, participant engagement and liveliness to your virtual meetings. You will work on your own presence and impact as a host in the virtual space. You will also reflect on the use and intended impact of digital tools.



  • will be able to make virtual meetings interactive and fun.
  • learn exercises and methods to involve and activate participants.
  • increase the effectiveness of their appearance in the digital space.
  • reflect on the use of digital tools.


Thank you for visiting my website! If you want to get in touch with me, please contact me via email: office@cocreative.ch or telephone:
+41 79 309 65 74.

With kind regards,
Susanne Schinko-Fischli


Susanne Schinko-Fischli, M.A.
Pfauengässli 6 / CH-9050 Appenzell
+41 79 309 65 74 mobile
+41 71 787 00 86 fix
+43 699 126 49 714 mobile AUT


Susanne Schinko-Fischli, M.A.
Facilitator, Psychologist, Actress

Born in 1972 in Vienna (Austria)
Married to Dr. Claudius Fischli
Mother of Jeremias and Leander Fischli



Working languages: English, German and Italian
Other languages: French and Spanish

Professional experience
since 2004 Independent facilitator
Lecturer at the following Universities:
since 2019
since 2018
since 2015
since 2013
since 2010
2011 – 2015
2014, 2019
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW)
University of Liechtenstein
University of Graz, Austria
Johannes Kepler University, Linz, Austria
University of Klagenfurt, Austria
[hr] PAST
2008 – 2016 Actress, Member of the Improvisation theatre company „tiltanic“ in St. Gallen, Switzerland
2012 Facilitator, Company “rheinspringen bridges”, St. Gallen, Switzerland
2004 Actress, Theater of Innsbruck, Austria
2002 – 2004 Project Staff, Company “diepartner.at Social- and Health management“ – Development of the Psychiatric Development plan for Upper Austria
2000 – 2002 Facilitator, Company „die Berater“, Vienna, Austria
1997 Internship – Coaching and Supervision of Drug Addicts, Center „Nave“, Naples, Italy
1992 Internship at the Psychodiagnostics Department of the Psychiatric University Clinic “AKH”, Vienna, Austria
Education and Qualifications
2019 Talk about "Status for Scientists" at the Applied Improvisation Conference, Long Island, USA
2018 Certified Practitioner for Applied Improvisation, Applied Improvisation Network
2014 Swiss Trainer Certificate
2012 Applied Improvisation World Conference, San Francisco, California, USA
2002 – 2010 Group Dynamics Facilitator Education at the ÖGGO – „Austrian society of Group-Dynamics and Organization consulting”
since 2002 Improvisational theatre training with Keith Johnstone, Randy Dixon, Ruth Zaporah,…
2002 Film acting training, Los Angeles, California, USA
1998 – 2000 Improvisational theater training with the Improvisational theatre company “urtheater”, Vienna, Austria
1996 – 1999 Acting school Krauss, Vienna, Austria
1994 – 1995 Joint Study Scholarship at the “University of California, San Diego”, USA – Provost Honors for outstanding achievements in winter and spring quarters, 1995
1991 – 1999 Study of Psychology at the University of Vienna, Austria
1991 High School Diploma with honors

Applied Improvisation

Applied improvisation uses the principles, tools, practices, skills and mind-sets developed in improvisational theatre and utilises them for non-theatrical or performance purposes. The basic principles of applied improvisation may be summarised in the following terms:

  • attention and contact
  • non-verbal communication
  • co-creation
  • spontaneity and intuition
  • error culture and trust

Purposeful training in the relevant elements of applied improvisation gives leaders in organisations and institutes new tools, allowing them to move away from merely reacting to change situations towards a creative approach. This work boosts the agile and adaptive qualities of leadership, along with a collaboration style that is more effective and more dynamically oriented towards the issues at hand.

In 2002 I began for the first time to incorporate methods and exercises from improvisational theatre into my workshops. Ever since then, in my seminars I have been using applied improvisation to address the following themes:

  • presentation skills and techniques
  • communication
  • creativity and innovation
  • status and leadership abilities
  • storytelling
  • teambuilding


Mag. Alfred Faustenhammer

Trainer und Berater

Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien und an der Universidad de la Complutense, Madrid; mehrjährige Erfahrung als interner Personalleiter eines Finanzdienstleisters zuständig für Mittel- und Osteuropa; Trainer, Berater und Moderator seit 2000.


Leadership-Programme und Leadership-Trainings; Teamentwicklungen; Facilitation und Beratung; besonderer Schwerpunkt beim Thema Leadership: Führen in hochkomplexen, internationalen Organisationen.


Deutsch, Englisch, Spanisch


Studium der Rechtswissenschaften an der Universität Wien

Studienaufenthalt an der Universidad de la Complutense Madrid, Spanien

Ausbildung zum Gruppendynamiktrainer und Organisationsberater, ÖGGO

Interkulturelle Weiterbildung für Berater, NTL Institute, USA

Schauspielimprovisation, UCB Theatre, New York, USA

Lehrgang für systemische Beratung, SBI;
Beratergruppe Neuwaldegg


Mehrere Praxisjahre in internationaler Rechtsanwaltskanzlei, Vertretung nordamerikanischer Konzerne in Österreich; Personalleiter eines österreichischen Finanzdienstleisters, Betreuung der sechs osteuropäischen Töchter; seit 2000 selbständiger Unternehmensberater und Trainer; geschäftsführender Gesellschafter der Leeway Leadership Consulting GmbH, Wien.

Dr. Claudius Fischli

Trainer und Berater

Studium der Angewandten Psychologie; betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung: Department of Continuing Education, Harvard University; langjährige Managementerfahrung in der Schweiz und in Deutschland; selbstständiger Trainer und Berater für Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Organisationen


Trainer, Berater und Moderator in Profit- und Non-Profit-Unternehmen; Management & Leadership Development; Strategie, Design, Implementierung, Durchführung von innerbetrieblichen Ausbildungsprogrammen für Führungskräfte; Beratung, Moderation, Coaching, Trainings zum Thema interkulturelle Kompetenz; Mediation und Konfliktmanagement.


Deutsch, Englisch, Französisch


Studium der Angewandten Psychologie, Psychopathologie sowie Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte an der Universität Zürich; Promotion zum Dr. phil. im Fach Angewandte Psychologie; betriebswirtschaftliche Weiterbildung, Department of Continuing Education, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; in Ausbildung zum Gruppendynamiktrainer und systemischen Organisationsberater bei der ÖGGO; Weiterbildung am D.I.P. (Deutschen Institut für Provokative Therapie); In Ausbildung am Institut Bewusstseinsstrategien (analoge Methoden in Training und Beratung).


Assistant to the Managing Director, Institute for Cross-Cultural Communication AG, Zug; wissenschaftlicher Assistent Abteilung Angewandte Psychologie, Universität Zürich; Trainer und Berater Management Development, Schweizerischer Bankverein, Basel; Leiter Management und Leadership Development UBS Switzerland, UBS AG, Zürich; Berater, Projektleiter Group Human Resources, UBS AG, Zürich; selbstständiger Trainer und Berater für Einzelpersonen, Gruppen und Organisationen.

Dr. Lukas Zenk

Trainer und Berater

Forschung und Training: Soziale Netzwerkanalyse, Innovationsmanagement, Improvisationsforschung, Teamkreativität, Präsentations- und Verhandlungstechnik

Schauspiel: Improvisationstheater


Deutsch, Englisch


Diplomstudium aus Wirtschaftsinformatik, Soziologie und Psychologie an der Universität Wien und TU Wien

Promotion in Wirtschaftsinformatik (Netzwerkforschung) an der Universität Wien

Diverse Weiterbildungen in systemischen Coaching und Projektmanagement

Improvisationstheater (u.a. Second City, iO Chicago, Loose Moose)


Seit 2004 Universitätslektor an der Technischen Universität Wien – Schwerpunkt: Social Skills und Innovation

Seit 2006 Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter an der Donau-Universität Krems – Schwerpunkt: Angewandte Forschungsprojekte im Bereich der sozialen Netzwerkanalyse

Seit 2009 Impro-Schauspieler bei der Wiener Gruppe Quintessenz – Schwerpunkt: Improvisierte Theaterstücke mit Musik

Marina Schlosser


Kommunikation, Konflikte und Grundlagen der Zusammenarbeit

Team- und Führungskräfteentwicklung


Selbstmanagement und Stressbewältigung




seit 2013 CAS Organisationsentwicklung Trigon/FHNW

Ausbilderin mit Eidgenössichem Fachausweis

Trainerin für Gruppendynamik DGGO

Master of Arts Supervision/Coaching EFH Freiburg

Systemische Beratung IGST Heidelberg

Diplom Sozialpädagogin


Nach der Tätigkeit in einer Behörde als Sozialarbeiterin habe ich mich 1996 zunächst als Familientherapeutin selbstständig gemacht.

Mit dem Wissen um Familiendynamik habe ich meinen Wirkungskreis in die Bereiche Training, Supervision/Coaching, Teamentwicklung erweitert und berate heute hauptsächlich kleinere und mittelständische (Familien-) Unternehmen, Behörden und Führungskräfte.

Events 2022

Online WORKSHOP Storytelling to be announced


Aeon Consulting Group: “In these workshops, laughing together and learning together were not self-contradictory.”

We booked the workshops with Susanne Schinko-Fischli because we wanted to work on our ability to communicate with more than just words, and also because one of our board members had experience with improv theatre. As board members, at first we were unsure of exactly what benefits we could expect, so we went in with very open minds. The days we spent together actually helped us in several ways, not least because as participants we learned how to come closer together in a very refreshing and energising way. In these workshops, laughing together and learning together were not self-contradictory.

What memories and impressions have we taken away from the improv theatre workshop? To experiment, within a safe environment, with how we can deal with different situations, and how we can push the envelope. We also very much appreciated the chance to work on our communicative abilities through entertaining exercises, and without having to listen to a lot of theory.

We have fond memories of the good time we had, and the following aspects:

  •  a deeper understanding of how to work with our own status
  •  a better sense of how communication can flow, and what can crop up to block it
  •  encouragement to believe in our own creativity and spontaneity

Aeon Consulting Group, Ute Langthaler and Erich Wlasak (CEOs)

ETH Zürich: “Most participants found this workshop very interesting as well as useful and applicable to their work environment.”

We enquired about the workshop on Applied Improvisation with Susanne Schinko-Fischli because we wanted to test its applicability to the communication in the academic world.We had 13 participants covering the entire academic spectrum from Master students to Principal Investigators.

Most participants found this workshop very interesting as well as useful and applicable to their work environment. The vast majority was very satisfied with the work of Susanne and expressed their desire to attend a similar, or a follow up type of workshop.

ETH Zürich, Marieke F Buffing (ETH Doctoral student) and Nino Nikolovski (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Fellow at the ETH)

Frequentis: “The workshop with Susanne Schinko-Fischli really got us moving!”

As part of a series of measures aimed at improving our team, I very much wanted to invite all the team members to come together in a workshop setting where we could try to push beyond our normal everyday boundaries together. The aim was to experience together the many different sides of each individual, strengthen our already good foundation of trust, offer everyone the chance to come out of themselves and flourish, and to have some fun together.

The workshop with Susanne Schinko-Fischli really got us moving!

Every single person managed to push the envelope and expand their horizons. We really broke new ground, and our trust in one another demonstrably grew, even during the workshop itself. We have been better welded together as a team ever since. We often think about events from the workshop, and have a laugh together. What’s more, the day inspired us not only to work better together, but also with colleagues from elsewhere in the organisation.

When your team is already on a firm foundation, applied improvisation is a wonderful and effective method to take the next step towards becoming a “High Performance Team”.

Frequentis, Friederikos Kariotis (Director Human Resources)

IBM: “Our trainers have become more creative, more daring, more ready to experiment, more spontaneous.”

Before the workshop, I had already had a lot to do with improvisational theatre, so I already knew the methods well. Since I had gained a lot from them even in my own training sessions, I decided to arrange an Impro Facilitation Workshop with our team of management development trainers. We wanted to use the workshop and methods from improv theatre to improve and expand our trainers’ skills, and bring them closer together as a team.

With this training with Susanne Schinko-Fischli, we were really able to achieve both goals. Our trainers have become more creative, more daring, more ready to experiment, more spontaneous, and they also now use the methods in their own training sessions. Furthermore, the workshop was great for teambuilding, and that is exactly what I had wanted. It’s amazing that we are still talking about that workshop, even though it was a few years ago now.

IBM, Felix Binggeli (GSS Leader Growth Markets)

Meinungsraum: “This workshop changed the way we talk within the company.”

The workshop with Susanne Schinko-Fischli in 2012 was meant as an incentive for my team. We figured it could be good to spend a day acting on stage together, and indeed we ended up in an actual theatre, a small underground one in Vienna, which was really atmospheric. By 2014, the company had made some big steps forward, and had almost doubled in size. This seemed to me another situation where I thought improv might be a good idea, but this time far more precisely focused. I wanted the team to consolidate and to get to know each other better. The workshop was fun, entertaining, and exciting. We got a lot out of it, particularly as regards the team members’ understanding of each other.

I can still remember a really practical example. During the workshop, we did an Elevator Pitch exercise, with each person playing both a customer and a staff member of meinungsraum.at. The task was to briefly introduce the company, and this quickly brought to light something that nobody had seen before: the customer-facing staff had a complete overview of the company; the back-office people, however, simply couldn’t explain what exactly we do and how we do it. After that, we developed our own programme that involved including the back-office staff in customer meetings and presentations.

This has had two lasting effects: first, the back-office personnel learn more about the company, especially about how complicated customers can be, and the extent to which the customer-facing staff shield the back office from that. Second, it changed the way we talk within the company: when we discover fundamental themes such as these, we use the term “improv effect”, and we all know that we’ve come across something important.

Meinungsraum, Herbert Kling (CEO)

School of Design, St. Gallen: “The courses started with a great deal of positive energy, and the participants feel right at home.”

Given that we offer further education in the field of creative design, I naturally wanted to start the courses off with a bang. I had two ideas in my mind: I wanted to sow the seeds in a way that the students would remember, and I wanted to spark good cooperation between the courses. The workshop with Susanne Schinko-Fischli and Claudius Fischli met both of these expectations.

The courses started with a great deal of positive energy, and the participants feel right at home. They are still energised by the workshop, as I could see in their midterm grades. I did not attend the workshop myself; nor was I able to see the films of the role-plays, as we plan to wait until the graduation party – that is, after three years – to show them. In this way, the students and I will be equally excited and certainly surprised when we see the films.

School of Design, St. Gallen, Kathrin Lettner (Head of Further Education, School of Design)

University of Liechtenstein: “Now I feel much more comfortable and secure while I am holding presentations.”

I am standing on both feet!

“Week by week I started to feel more relaxed and comfortable while I was standing in front of these people. I noticed that I wasn`t hiding my fears deep in my heart anymore but that I wanted to stand with them in front of other people and show them to these people, so that they could help me overcome them. I was glad of getting a feedback and that they were showing me my mistakes. These feedbacks really helped me to see myself. They helped me to notice that I wasn`t showing the real Eda while I was presenting. The real Eda in her normal life, when she is with her friends or family, would never be scared of standing in front of them and talking loud and brave. The real Eda would never be insecure of herself, of the way she might look or sound.

This was one of the biggest turning points in my life. To notice that I was disguised in another personal being while I was presenting. And I didn`t want this. I didn`t want to become another person. I just wanted to be myself. Why shouldn`t I be able to hold presentations like the others in my class? Why should I feel precarious of myself?

I`ve literally learned being myself in this class. It may sound strange that a person finds a way of fighting the personal fears through a course in the university but that`s true.

Now I feel much more comfortable and secure while I am holding presentations.

I can say that through this course I grew older and that I had the chance to fight that inner me that was always telling me to be afraid of presentations and afraid of strangers. I`ve learned to fade out this voice and concentrate myself on my presentation.

This course helped me to see the fake me that wrapped me up while I was presenting and prevented me from being myself.

So thank you Susanne for helping me to show the real me. I appreciate it a lot!

University of Liechtenstein, Eda Demir (Architecture Student)

Zurich University of Applied Sciences: “This workshop allowed the participants to expand their professional abilities.”

The ability to advise and train patients and their relatives, along with representing the speciality in interprofessional teams are all principal tasks for any care expert. This means that presentation skills are essential to them.

This workshop with Susanne Schinko-Fischli and Claudius Fischli gave the participants not only the chance to expand these competencies through direct experience with a variety of improvisation situations, but also to reflect on their own behaviour and how that influenced themselves and the group.

Reflection supports critical thinking, and is an important element of professional behaviour. It expands our limited perception, and the resulting awareness of certain behaviours enables us to modify them in the future.

This workshop allowed the participants to expand their professional abilities, which are so necessary to the central challenge of care, that is, to understand and address the whole person.

Zurich University of Applied Sciences, Sabin Bührer (Head of Studies MAS in Patient and Family Education)



“Applied Improvisation for Coaches and Leaders”

by Susanne Schinko-Fischli

In the book, “Applied Improvisation for Coaches and Leaders,” I explain not only in theory, but also in practice, how you can boost your team’s creativity by using Applied Improvisation to foster agile collaboration and innovation within your company. The most important and basic rule for co-creativity is to accept the ideas of your teammates and integrate your own contributions.

Applied Improvisation builds upon the principle of taking the lead, if needed, and being guided, if requested. In this co-creative practice, you can develop collective ideas for the future and find innovative answers to complex questions.

You will also explore the concept of “Status,” developed for actors and having nothing to do with cars and watches, rather with the way you act. It is about your personal aura of power and influence, and how you can change it according to the requirements of the situation. “Status” permeates all communication and is something you can change!

This book is written for Coaches, Facilitators and Leaders, who seek new catalysts for their work. It offers a variety of perspectives on soft skill topics including Teamwork, Co-Creativity, Storytelling, Body language and Status. Using Applied Improvisation enables very intensive and effective learning that is simultaneously very engaging and fun. The book also includes a great variety of exercises ready to use with your teams in team building workshops or any other soft skill workshop.







Learning Social Skills Virtually

Using Applied Improvisation to Enhance Teamwork, Creativity and Storytelling

Digital workshops and meetings have established a firm foothold in our everyday lives and will continue to be part of the new professional normal, whether we like it or not. This book demonstrates how workshops and meetings held online can be made just as interactive, varied and enjoyable as face-to-face events.

The methods from improvisational theatre are surprisingly well suited for online use, and bring the liveliness, playful levity and co-creativity that are often lacking in digital lessons and meetings. Applied improvisation is an experience-oriented method that is suitable for developing all soft skills – online and offline. Alongside brief introductions to the most relevant themes, the book contains numerous practical exercises in the areas of teamwork, co-creativity, storytelling, status and appearance, with examples of how to implement them online.

This book, written in the climate of the Covid pandemic, is important reading for everyone—coaches, professionals, and executives— looking for new impulses for their digital workshops and meetings, and who would like to expand the variety of their online methods. It offers new perspectives on many soft skills topics and supports interactive, engaging, lively and profitable online learning.


Susanne Schinko – Fischli, M.A.
Pfauengässli 6, CH – 9050 Appenzell
+41 79 309 65 74
+43 699 126 49 714



Copyright, falls nicht anders angegeben:
© 2018 Content (Texte und Bilder)
Susanne Schinko-Fischli
Fotos: Gaston Wicky
Alle Rechte vorbehalten.
© Design und Programmierung
Verena Snurer und Thomas Oppl
Konzept und Text
Ami, Werbung und Kommunikation
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